Synchronize and spread visuals automatically
The most frustrating part of video editing is the storyboarding process, especially for a podcast video.
It's known that the best practice to make an engaging podcast video is a visual change every 4 seconds to keep the viewer engaged.
If you do the math, you need to have 45 visuals for a 3 minute podcast. A pure nightmare if you're not a confirmed video editor… even if you are!
We had 3 key guidelines when creating the storyboard algorithm: user guidance, automation, focus on personal branding and message memorization.
We created the video composition algorithm to help you build a message that people will remember (as well as to enhance your branding).
To summarize a complex algorithm, let’s say that your branding visuals are filling the gaps in the storyboard.
Generally, our users have 2 storyboard schemas:
- Some of you prefer a loop with all the visuals so that your viewers know what’s in your video in the first 20 seconds. Your define 4-5 visuals to describe what's in it and loop them every 4 seconds
- Others prefer a perfect match between the visual and the spoken dialogue to enhance the memorization of their messages. But let’s be honest, it took some time to align each visual to the dialogue manually (see the full tutorial here - Synchronize visuals with audio)
The Automatic video composition feature is made to solve that problem.
Push the Spread visuals or Synchronize button and watch the magic begin! As with any automated feature, the result is perfect in 90% of the cases. For the other 10%, if we can’t match the visual with the dialogue, you’ll see it in red.
We'll keep on improving the algorithm 😉
Enjoy Next article: Start making a LiLiCAST like a pro!