To start, go to LiLiCAST and click on "PPT to Video".
Upload Your Presentation
- Add your PowerPoint file by:
- Clicking on the upload rectangle.
- Dragging and dropping your file directly from your file explorer.
To this day, LiLiCAST only supports .pptx files.
But thankfully, you can turn any presentation into a PowerPoint file, and add it to LiLiCAST. Here's a resource from Adobe on how to do it.
Generate Your Script
Once your presentation is uploaded, you’ll be prompted to set up your script:
- Target Duration: Choose the desired length of your video. LiLiCAST’s AI will generate a script designed to fit within the selected timeframe.
- Script Style: Select a tone that matches your needs:
- Neutral
- Speech
- Casual
- Formal
- Auto-Highlight: Toggle this option to let AI emphasize the most crucial parts of your script.
Now, simply choose the AI voice of your choice, and you're now ready to edit and generate your video!